Non NHS Services

The NHS provides most healthcare and healthcare services free of charge to UK residents, but there are some exceptions.

GPs themselves have to cover operational and running costs - buildings, equipment, heating, lighting, maintenance, insurance, staff etc. Therefore, professional fees charged must reflect a contribution to these costs as well as professional time.

Individual practices decide how much to charge for non-NHS services. There are no standard charges and 'price fixing' between practices is not allowed.

What can be charged for?

Examples of non-NHS services for which Carnoustie Medical Group can charge their patients include:

  • Certain travel vaccinations/work related vaccinations
  • Certification of Fitness to Travel
  • Exemption certificates
  • 'To Whom It May Concern' Letters

Examples of non-NHS services for which the practice can charge other organisations include:

  • DWP/Benefits Agency Reports
  • Medical reports for an insurance company
  • Reports for Solicitors

We can usually inform you of the likely charge when you ask for the paperwork to be completed.

Carnoustie Medical Group may be willing to provide some non-NHS services for patients registered with other practices - please ask to speak to Wendi Lees, Practice Manager.

Why do I pay for 'just' a signature?

A doctor can only sign what they know to be true.

The production of an inaccurate report can have serious consequences for the doctor with the General Medical Council (GMC) or even the Police.

It often takes a considerable time to read through and check medical records, to answer all the questions raised.

Some documents do not need a doctor's signature. Another person in a position of trust might not charge to sign such documents.

Private Fees

(updated July 2017)

HGV, PSV, Taxi Driver Examination (without GP Eye Exam): £85.00
HGV, PSV, Taxi Driver Examination (with GP Eye Exam): £100.00
Elderly Driver Fitness Certificate: £85.00
Fitness to Travel Examination and Report: £85.00
Seatbelt Exemption Examination: £85.00

Private Sick Note: £17.00
Private Prescription: £17.00
Accident/Sickness Insurance Certificate: £17.00
Sickness/Accident Benefit Claim Form*: £25.00
(* For routine regularly required single page forms)

Holiday Cancellation Certificate: £25.00
Fitness to Travel Certificate: £25.00
To Whom It May Concern Letters: £25.00
Caddy Car Letter: £25.00
Firearm / Shotgun application: £85**
(** if following application a medical is required, a further charge of £85 will be made to the patient)

Photocopying of Medical Records 10p per side plus £15 admin (patient)

Fees charged may be subject to change.

Hepatitis B Immunisations

There will be a cost of £17 for the private prescription. The practice also charges for administering the course of vaccinations - £45 (usually 3 at £15 per vaccine). Please note there will be a dispensing charge which varies from chemist to chemist (can be around £50).

Fee Enquiries

Please contact reception for specific enquiries relating to charges for NHS services.

Contact us

Requests for Medical Evidence

Please do not ask your doctor for a medical report to support your claim/appeal for welfare benefits as we will not be able to supply this free of charge.

Please contact Job Centre Plus or the Appeals Service, stating clearly your reasons for believing that a medical report is necessary.

If Job Centre Plus or the Appeals Service consider that further medical evidence is necessary to support your claim or appeal, they will seek it. They will then be responsible for paying any fee to the doctor providing the report.

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