The index of patient information leaflets and forms is arranged alphabetically by title and subject. Some are published by Carnoustie Medical Group and attached personnel; others are from external bodies.


   How much is too much?: drinking and you
   How much is too much patient booklet
Angus directory to local self help groups
   Antibiotic guardian
   Antibiotics don't cure toothache
   Get well soon without antibiotics
   When should I worry? (for parents)
asylum seekers, health care for
attorney, power of
   A guide to power of attorney in Scotland
   What is a power of attorney?
aural issues
   Ear care clinic: information for patients
   Hearing aid drop in clinics


bereavement see death and bereavement
blood pressure checks


cardiopulmonary resuscitation, decisions about
colds and coughs see coughs and colds
consultations, effective
   How to get the best from your visit to the doctor
   What to expect from your doctor: a guide for patients
costs, health care
   for asylum seekers and refugees
   for former UK residents working abroad
   for overseas students
   for overseas workers
   quick guide
   for UK pensioners visiting
coughs and colds
   Caring for children with coughs
   Four ways to help your cough
   When should I worry? (for parents)
CPR decisions
   Decisions about cardiopulmonary resuscitation
   Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) integrated adult policy


Data protection notice
death and bereavement
   Bereaved by suicide
   Death and bereavement (on NHS Inform)
   What to do after a death in Scotland
diazepam for fear of flying
DNACPR see CPR decisions
drinking see alcohol


Ear care clinic: information for patients
electronic health record
electronic maternity record
Enhanced Community Support (ECS) mental health & wellbeing hub
   patient information sheet
   referral form: Word document version or PDF version


falls, avoiding
flu (influenza) vaccine
flying, diazepam requests for fear of
Freedom of Information: Carnoustie Medical Group guide to information available


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
   Data protection notice
   General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
   What is GDPR?


health care
   for asylum seekers and refugees
   for former UK residents working abroad
   for overseas students
   for overseas workers
   for UK passport holders returning after living abroad
   for UK pensioners visiting
Hearing aid drop in clinics
Help with Health Costs
hub, mental health and wellbeing (ECS)
   patient information sheet
   referral form: Word document version or PDF version


illness statement (SSP form)
illnesses, self-treating (see also coughs and colds; medicine cupboard list)
influenza (flu) vaccine


joint problems
   MATS helpline
   NHS Tayside Physiotherapy Leaflets (for specific muscle, bone and joint injuries)
   Tayside Physiotherapy Service


local groups directory


maternity notes (your maternity record)
MATS (National Musculoskeletal Advice & Triage Service)
medicine cupboard list
mental health and wellbeing hub
   patient information sheet
   referral form: Word document version or PDF version
minor illnesses, self treating (see also coughs and colds; medicine cupboard list)
money for health costs
muscle problems
   MATS helpline
   NHS Tayside physiotherapy leaflets (for specific muscle, bone and joint injuries)
   Tayside Physiotherapy Service


National Musculoskeletal Advice & Triage Service (MATS)
NHS Tayside electronic health record


overseas students, health care for
overseas visitors and health care
   for asylum seekers and refugees
   for overseas students
   for overseas workers


Pain Association Scotland self-management information
patient satisfaction, GP triage (2009)
personal information use see General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
   MATS helpline
   NHS Tayside physiotherapy leaflets (for specific muscle, bone and joint injuries)
   Tayside Physiotherapy Service
post polio syndrome
power of attorney
   A guide to power of attorney in Scotland
   What is a power of attorney?
   Be fit and healthy before you start a baby
   iQuit: stopping smoking when you're pregnant
   Newly pregnant?: your electronic maternity record
prescribing, social
privacy see General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)


quitting smoking
   How to stop smoking and stay stopped
   iQuit: stopping smoking when you're pregnant
   Stopping smoking (on NHS Inform)


refugees, health care for
respiratory tract infections
   Caring for children with coughs
   Four ways to help your cough
   When should I worry? (for parents)
results of tests
resuscitation, decisions about
   Decisions about cardiopulmonary resuscitation
   Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) integrated adult policy


self certification of illness (SSP form)
self help groups
self-referral to the mental health and wellbeing hub
   patient information sheet
   referral form: Word document version or PDF version
self treatment of minor illnesses (see also coughs and colds; medicine cupboard list)
sick pay form (SSP form)
smoking cessation
   How to stop smoking and stay stopped
   iQuit: stopping smoking when you're pregnant
   Stopping smoking (on NHS Inform)
social prescribing
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) form
students from overseas, health care for
suicide, bereavement by
support groups
   Angus directory to local self help groups


test results


UK passport holders and health care
   pensioners visiting
   on return
   working abroad
Up and about: taking positive steps to avoid trips and falls


varicose veins
Voluntary Action Angus social prescribing


What to expect from your doctor: a guide for patients
Who to turn to poster

Specific Health Query?

If you are looking for information about a specific health issue not listed here, the following external sites may help you:

You can also phone NHS Inform on 0800 22 44 88 or use the webchat option on their website.

NHS Inform

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