Services Provided by our Doctors

The doctors at the practice each provide full general medical services, contraception and minor surgery.

Find out how to make an appointment.

Consulting Times

These are the doctors' normal surgery times in Parkview on a rota basis:


6.45am - 8am
8.30am - 11.30am
Duty Doctor Triage 8am - 1.30pm


2pm - 4.30pm
2pm - 3.30pm and 4.30pm - 6pm
Duty Doctor Triage 1.30pm - 6pm

Find out about the availability of the doctors during these surgery times.

Getting the Greatest Benefit from Your Consultation

Patients receive the best care when they work in partnership with doctors and other healthcare professionals. Please refer to You and Your Doctor for information about how to create a good partnership and how to get the greatest benefit from your treatment.

We encourage feedback about the practice and staff so we know what we do well as well as where we can do better.

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Photo of a consulting room

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