NHS inform... Scotland's health information service

NHS inform is NHS 24's national health information service. It provides you accurate information to help you make informed decisions about your own health and the health of the people you care for.

Finding the right health and care information can make a real difference to how people manage their wellbeing. Making information accessible, quality assured and up to date helps people to make positive choices.

Information on NHS inform

NHS inform has information about:

  • illnesses, injuries and conditions
  • tests and treatments
  • healthy living topics - like smoking, alcohol, food and mental wellbeing
  • services provided by GPs, pharmacies and dental surgeries in Scotland
  • health news and events
  • your rights when using these services

Interactive digital tools

The website has digital tools to allow you to tailor the information to make it more personal:

  • Self-help guides: for common illnesses and injuries such as abdominal pain, fever, earache, headache, lower back pain, accessing medicine etc. The guides are fully aligned to the 111 service the self-help guides allows you to check your symptoms online and get advice to manage your condition or signpost to the right service.
  • Scotland's Service Directory: hosts all relevant, funded and quality assured holistic health and social care services within each health and social care partnership. This is in addition to the GP's, Hospitals, Pharmacies, Dentists, Sexual Health clinics and Optiticians.
  • Info for Me: a tool that helps you gather information relevant to you that can be easily printed, saved or shared.

How to use the service

Want to try the service yourself? Visit www.nhsinform.scot or contact the health information team by phone on 0800 22 44 88. Webchat is also available on the website every day.

NHS inform contact information

Posted: 10 June 2019

Find out more about NHS inform and how it can help you stay healthy and well:

View a demonstration of the self-help guides:

Take a look at our video on using Info for Me and learn how it can help you:

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