Annual General Meeting of the PRG

On Monday 30th March 2020 at 6.15pm

Parkview Primary Care Centre, Barry Road, Carnoustie

The PRG is a patient lead group of volunteers with the purpose to promote co-operation between the medical practice staff and the patients.

We are not appointed by Carnoustie Medical group but we are interested and willing to work with them to improve the health and social care in our community.

We are not a forum for complaints.

In these times of change this group gives a voice to the people who need and use the service. Their opinions matter.

Come along to the AGM and find out for yourself how you can help make local health and social care better.

All patients of Carnoustie Medical Group are welcome to attend.

Further Information

For more information contact or telephone 01241 410489.

Posted: 6 March 2020

PRG AGM Poster
PRG AGM Poster

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